Having been though some of what you people are going to experience I am truly not
impressed about the tube with the camera up my dick I found it painful, bloody, embarrassing. The conversation went something like "here we'll just put some local on it", 5 min later, "there that should do", ah doc I can still feel it, "that's ok it'll be fine nurse hold it still", lunge, :ouch:, "are you ok", :yeah I'll make it:, "hmm I still can't see anything", Jamb, :Ouch it's not fitting, don't you have something smaller:, "no it's state of the art, the other one is bigger, just a minute, nurse hang on to him: luunge /jambb :Holy#$%*:, "there, hmm, nothing, you'll have to go to the hospital"."Don't worry about the blood it'll go away in a few days". "Talk to the receptionist about the hospital appointment". in retrospect I'm reasonably sure that where my body started going down hill, so my advice, get to know the people that are going to check you out because if you don't you could have an interesting time, oh and by way the local never did work and what good would it do on the outside any how, it's the inside that hurts. So feel free to cut and print this and show it to the ones that are going to rape your willy with a tv camera and say you'll be hanging on to their balls while they do it.
Bill the demon.