Wow Tez, glad you dodged one mate. When I was commuting 160km return I too had a couple of moments and saw lots of near pissed me off.
Hey Andrew.....just when you thought you'd seen it all...
Mick....tell 'em to get fkd and if they want their money to come and get it and then let charlie loose on them, that'll piss them off
Thanks Pete, when I was the logistics manager at Pucka-fcuking-punyal for 5 years I did a shade over 1000 Klicks a week in the trusty old Hilux/Ssanyongong/Falcoon.
I saw some amazing acts of stupidity, like the trucker who set fire to his own load of hay by throwing a burning butt out da window, to the young soldier who rolled his mate's car 11 times and end for ended it several times too.
His mate had just bought the car and asked him to drive it back to Pucka because he was worried about it getting scratched in the long term car park at Tulla.......
I've driven from Melbourne to Darwin then on to Gove a couple of times, up to FNQ a few times more (only flown across to Perth, to my shame) and I just love driving. I wonder how many Klicks I've clocked up in nearly 40 years?
Not knowing pisses me off.......