I don't know if I would want all the ants in my yard riding tiny scooters Larry, we've got some pretty tough ants here, and it wouldn't be long before they formed their own outlaw ant MC and started terrorising the neighborhood. I think I'll just spray 'em instead, just to be safe.

As happy as I am with the bikes I currently own, since my first ride on the back of a big Vincent when I was 12 years old I've always thought I'd like one. The trouble with owning a rare piece of motorcycling history is the desire to keep it safe, so subconciously, you try to protect it. A friend of mine bought one years ago for over 30 grand, and has only ridden it very occasionally, not even once a year. What a shame.
I don't want to feel guilty every time I take one of my bikes for a fast ride, so I think one of these Aussie made "Irving Vincents" would be a lot of fun. Probably still quite rare and collectable, but parts are available if I did throw it down the road, and I've seen these bikes in action at Phillip Island, and they are wickedly fast!