Author Topic: Rear oil seal / Sprocket side plate  (Read 1432 times)

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Offline kegger117

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Rear oil seal / Sprocket side plate
« on: July 29, 2012, 07:51:49 AM »
When re-installing the seal, is it expected to be pressed in to seat fully in the sprocket side plate?  I pushed it in by hand, but it still looks like there is another 1-2mm to go for it to be fully seated.  Or, do you just drop it in and the mating action from attaching the sideplate to lugs causes everything to be pressed together as much as it needs to be?

Here are pics:

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Offline bruzer59

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Re: Rear oil seal / Sprocket side plate
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2012, 02:24:25 PM »
you can use the old seal  ( if you still have it ) & lay it on top of the new one and gently tap with a mallet. ``dont force the new seal in with the retaining ring`!!! ``

Offline lucky

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Re: Rear oil seal / Sprocket side plate
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2012, 02:43:27 PM »
Something just does not look right.
Are you the same person that has been asking for about a week about this bearing retainer?

I will check mine to compare,  and report back.
Yes...I just checked, and the bearing retainer in the wheel should be flush or very close to flush. But mine is a 1978 CB750.

I would take it back apart. Maybe you have the wrong bearing for the wrong year?

You still need to take it back apart. It must have the wrong bearing OR the bearing is not all the way down.

Can't you see that there is a big problem? Just asking.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 02:53:36 PM by lucky »

Offline kegger117

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Re: Rear oil seal / Sprocket side plate
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2012, 03:01:07 PM »
bruzer - I'll give it the ol' tapperoo using the old seal and see if it goes farther.

Lucky-  nope, i have not been asking about the bearing retainer until today.  Um, yeah maybe the retaining ring needs to go down more, I'm pretty sure I got the bearing installed all the way.  I'll open it up and take a second look.  The side plated does actually go down flush to the sprocket as it is, so i wasn't concerned about the retainer or bearing.  My question was about the seal and if it needs to be pounded all the way into the plate, or if it just sits in place and physics does the rest?

THanks guys.
"I will endeavor to speak a good word for the truth" -Thoreau