The only problem with that is that many times the repros aren't as good as the originals.
For those that recall any of my postings, I am a detail guy. I sometimes lose sight of the big picture, but I notice details. Most people look at a K0 and say, "OOH, a nice K0", but I'm looking to make sure all the proper K0-specific parts are there and in good shape, and if they're not, well... I usually keep my mouth shut, but I know.
Would a company really make the effort to reproduce the cut fenders when the rolled ones are available and no one really knows except a few wonks? Same for other tiny details like the recessed ignition, black kill switch, smooth oil fither housing, 10mm narrower mirrors and un-marked pipes, among others, for example. Would companies REALLY reproduce these items to or above the original factory standard? I mean, it's these items that differentiate the K0 from the later machines. Without them, it's not a K0. The premium is paid for the things they later changed, not the things they got right the first time.
I mean, the "big" items like repro K0 sidecovers and ducktail seats are out there for purchase, but what about the early-grind camshaft with more duration, or the early timing advance plate with its more aggressive advance, being all in by 2000 rpm? Seriously, who but a K0 freak would measure the mirrors on a K0 to make sure they are 104mm versus 114mm and they do not have the Honda logo on them or care that the exhaust clamps had two fewer fins than later ones?
I would check all of the above things. Of course for me, every single detail must be correct on my future K0 and I will pay whatever it takes to make it right if it isn't. An early K0 is on my short list of dream machines.