Is there a way to change the needle height without taking the carbs completely off the bike every time? My bike is still running way too rich, and today I'm going to start messing with the jet sizes. When I bought the bike it had pod filters, 4-1 exhaust. Now I have 4-2 and stock airbox with a k&n filter. I attempted at syncing the carbs and it just didn't work, my idle speed kept increasing while I was performing the adjustments on the carbs to the point where I had the idle screw backed completely out and it was idling at like 2 grand...and words of advice??? The idle jet size is a #42 I believe and I'm not sure about main jet size... Thanks all in advance for putting up with my newb carb questions. - Dan
You have to remove the carbs to change the needle position.
One easy way is to remove the throttle return spring ,then lay them face down on a towel so they do not slide around, and just take the screws out of the backing plate. Lift off the entire backing plate carefully and then you can easily remove the slides. Be careful to not move the carbs while the backing plate is off.
You need to find out and write down which jets you actually have.
Syncing carbs is the VERY last step.
To get it to not run too rich you need to know WHICH carbs you have. look for the numbers on the carbs. That way you will know the correct needle position. #3 or #4.
Then you will know the stock needle position.
The #42 idle jet will probably work well with Pods.
If you are running the stock air box and filter use the #40 idle jet.
BTW...Syncing the carbs is to get all 4 slides to open at the same time while making a very slight height adjustment to compensate for the fact there are slight differences in the carbs and pressures and vacuums.
When you make that sync adjustment you are only moving the slide up and down .007 more or less. Look at .007 thousandths on a pair of calipers.
Can you please let me know which number of carbs you have.
Are you even sure you have 1975 carbs???