Nasty stuff to see indeed, but good graphical reminders we're all mortal, on the track and elsewhere...
Puzzled by his injuries;
Did he got his ankle twisted by the hay bale on impact, and then (swung back by the force) his heel into the back wheel of the bike, chopping on his heel at high speed ?
What kind of race boots was he wearing btw when that happened ?
Anyway...get well soon Yrjo !
The X-ray vs CT/MRI accuracy; got a story about that as well; After an climbing accident, where my ankle got busted up, I thought I just strained it, manned up and and kept going for a few weeks. Kept hurting and sometimes, locked it in mid walk, very painful...So of I went to a regular doctor to get a hospital referrer. But doctor said, after examination, nothing serious, just take some more rest. Few weeks later back again, I said I need to go to the hospital, had to beg for it, but he did refer me in the end ( otherwise I would have gone to the emergency room myself) .. anyway doctor in the hospital said ok we'll do an x-ray...nothing found on X-rays, so he also said take some rest it'll get better slowly..
It kept hurting real bad, and sometimes locking up.... so I went back for an second opinion, and then made big trouble with this doctor that my complaints we're serious, and insisted on a MRI scan. After a lot of buts and ifs, I finally got the scan. Turned out I had 2 small fractures + two pieces of bone swimming around in my ankle joint, which we're removed with surgery later. By then, most of my soft tissue in the ankle joint was seriously damaged by the pieces of bone grinding away, giving me an ankle with the amount of wear of a 60 year old....