Author Topic: 75 750f in progress  (Read 606 times)

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Offline thecoy

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75 750f in progress
« on: July 20, 2012, 08:46:00 PM »
hey everyone im new here, hope to get a warm welcome. ive recently come into possesion of a 75 cb750f supersport, and im just itching to get it on the highway. i have always been a honda freak since i was a kid. my grandfather bought an 88 model fourtrax 300 2wd and it has taken adolescent abuse from me for over 20 years and is still kickin to this day. doesnt mean it doesnt look like its in good shape though. i have owned a few hondas before this one and im still kickin myself in the ass over one of them. my first bike that i traded my uncle a computer for was an 86 model v65 sabre. awesome bike. damn near killed myself a half a dozen times before i got the hang of 'spirited' riding. i made the mistake of trading that one as a down payment on an 07 interceptor. also an awesome bike. vtech on an already potent motor setup, its like having mechanical nos. also a beatifully designed bike with the single sided swingarm hard bodywork lines and stainless steel exhaust (which was gutted). after i decided to pay my bills instead of my 400 a month insurance payment i scrounged enough money together to buy a cherry 82 cb900c. my love for the cb model was born with that bike. old beater would outrun my buddy's 600 ninja, i felt that was a testament to honda no one could refuse, 25 years of crotch rocket technology, fuel injection, and aluminum frame was trumped by a mere 300 ccs and straight honda grunt. regretably, to this day, really really regretably, i fell victim to the v-twin hype and got myself an intruder. hated it after a week and sold it. now im back to where the good is with this 750. cant wait to get it together and im out roaming the streets on something thats gonna make everyone what the hell was that that just went by. hope that wasnt too long an introduction. just felt like throwin my history out here i guess.

Offline ofreen

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Re: 75 750f in progress
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 10:46:19 PM »
Welcome.  Nice choice in a bike. ;)
'75 CB750F

"I would rather have questions I cannot answer than answers I cannot question." - Dr. Wei-Hock Soon

Offline thecoy

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Re: 75 750f in progress
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2012, 03:05:16 PM »
Why thank you. U also have good taste in bikes sir