Thanks for your interest in helping.
On carb #4, the float needle is stuck in the 'out' position. The float valve itself is not stuck in the carb body. I can easily pull the whole float valve out and inspect it (the rubber tip looks fine). So, I'm talking about just the spring-loaded needle here.
I've uploaded a video of my findings to that shows everything, but this forum is not allowing me to share the link. Any ideas how I can share it?
I can order a new float valve on Ebay, but what I'm really interested in finding out if this stuck pin is a big contributor to why I can not get my Nighthawk 750 to start. After I tried starting it last night and it wouldn't start, I disassembled the carbs (again

) and found float bowls #1 and 2 had plenty of gas in them, but #3 and 4 were dry. Then I found my stuck float valve pin.