you guys have some awesome tats here... the best part is the stories that go along with some of them.
and, mbrock... i couldn't agree with you more about the 80 year old comment!
so, here go. this was my first tat from when i was 18 (12 years ago). my chinese astrological sign is a dragon and these are my dragon eyes...

a few days after my 22nd bday i got this motorcycle chain around my arm as an MMI memento. it is broken because legend has it that an unbroken chain/band will not allow energy to flow freely in and out of the body.

this is the most recent... it is on my inner forearm and elizabeth has the same diamond with a bite out of it on her ankle. we got them on my 30th bday for a number of reasons. my birthstone is a diamond, we've each "taken a bite from each other's diamond" and, it was a gift from the artist to both of us because she recently finished a very large phoenix w/ him. the diamond is the shop's logo that they offer to friends and you MUST be offered.

here's her phoenix... 15 hours and 1500 bucks later...

these are my halloween tats...

if you guessed nikki sixx you rock!