I am working on my CB650 as time and finances allow. This is my first project so I am buying a lot of tools as I go along.
This week I worked on my wheels. I learned a lot and I am very happy with how they came out. To save a few $$ i decided to try the epoxy paint instead of powder coating. Thanks to Do The Ton and the SOHC4 forums I knew exactly what to do.
1.Disassemble the wheels
2. Paint stripper to remove the clear coat on the aluminum bits
3. Wash the spokes and scotch brite them to cleam them up.
4. 6" brass bristle wheel on my drill to remove oxidation (They looked so good almost didnt want to paint them after this)
5. Derust the rims with Naval Jelly (The front was rusted through and I had to but another wheel...thanks eBay $85 delivered. Ended up with a spare perfect condition CB750 brake rotor and hub)
6. Scuff the chrome with 120 grit paper on my orbital sander
7. Etching primer on the hubs spokes and rims (scotch brite the primer to get a smoother finish)
8. Black Rustoleum Epoxy on the rims and hubs
9. Silver Duplicolor on the spokes (Spoke nips were buffed with the brass wire wheel.
Here's what I ended up with!

The pics are crappy but the spokes look like fresh sliver Cad plating.

CB750 Donor wheel from eBay. I used the rim and the spokes. The brake rotor is spankin' new it may only have a couple hundred miles on it.