Ahh JamieB let me tell you, what you to look forward to, you come out to grab your coffee in the morning and decide, a little toast with aforementioned and maybe a little jam on the toast so you grab the the jar but because your right hand is sore ( some knuckles that you might have smashed a decade or so are puffed up for no reason ? and the first joint on your index finger is double its normal size? ) you say OK use the left hand and of course the lid is stuck so you strain and in the end you have use a tool to open but not before apparently damaging the little finger on the left hand so that next day it hurts like a sob and the day after etc so you say I'll take care of some weeds in the back forty so you try to put your shoes on but that's difficult because you've done something to your left foot ? ( maybe high sided one to many times when you were younger, maybe who knows ? ) and of course you hands are sore, walking is a treat, but you know if you don't walk enough the left knee and tendon you #$%*ed up when you fell on the ladder in January will stiffen and sting like a champ so grab the cane hobble off to the lawn tractor/tank and say maybe get into Owen Sound next larger centre and see if you can get a cushion sole for the foot and when you get into the shoe stores the some young undamaged "twit" tells you that oh you need something to lift your arches and force you to walk on the ball of you foot ( The Sore bit ) even though after 3 years of "lifting em up 9" and driving them down 12" hasn't caused the arches to fall as well as 70 plus years hasn't made a difference either, so you say but I want the front part of my foot cushioned because that's where it's sore and they collectively say there, there old man it'll be allright if you just do as we say ( the pat on the head ) as an aside you ask why I didn't say no, well I did but my wife was with me so instead of destroying him/them I was polite (she gets upset when I try to rip them a new one ) any how what it boils down to getting old ain't for the weak or faint hearted. Enough you should get the picture by now and I'll leave the other distressing bits for you to experience and figure out. The only slightly good thing that maybe is now you can talk to about 75% of good looking young things and compliment and tease them without them freaking course on the downside you can't do anything about it, have fun.
Bill the demon.