Hey all, I've been on lots of automotive forums, but I'm a noob on here. I've been reading up on here for weeks and after all of the forums I've been a part, this is a solid board filled w/ enthusiasts and not egos. I'm stoked to be a part of it. Well, without further ado...
She's a '76 CB750F Super Sport w/ 22k miles picked up from a local guy for next to nothing. She runs but 2nd gear is sloppy, there's a small head gasket leak, she needs fresh tires and a few cosmetic touch-ups. Overall, not terrible for a 40 year old bike.
I plan on doing some light modifications right away, that won't take her out of commissions while we still have riding weather. And then when winter comes, do a full tear down and build. On the immediate order list: Dunlop K70's, a bratstyle seat, clip-ons, replacement baffle for the Kerker 4-1 exhaust, upgraded headlight, adjustable headlight bracket, new grips and new throttle push cable.
Here she is the day I got her...

Here are a few bikes that are inspiration for the project (yes, one of them is a Yamaha


I plan on making a custom +2 bratstyle seat similar to these...