Author Topic: SirDaft1's '76 CB750 Super Sport Bratstyle/Cafe Build (**HIGH RES PICS**)  (Read 6948 times)

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Offline sirdaft1

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Hey all, I've been on lots of automotive forums, but I'm a noob on here. I've been reading up on here for weeks and after all of the forums I've been a part, this is a solid board filled w/ enthusiasts and not egos. I'm stoked to be a part of it. Well, without further ado...

She's a '76 CB750F Super Sport w/ 22k miles picked up from a local guy for next to nothing. She runs but 2nd gear is sloppy, there's a small head gasket leak, she needs fresh tires and a few cosmetic touch-ups. Overall, not terrible for a 40 year old bike.

I plan on doing some light modifications right away,  that won't take her out of commissions while we still have riding weather. And then when winter comes, do a full tear down and build. On the immediate order list: Dunlop K70's, a bratstyle seat, clip-ons, replacement baffle for the Kerker 4-1 exhaust, upgraded headlight, adjustable headlight bracket, new grips and new throttle push cable.

Here she is the day I got her...

Here are a few bikes that are inspiration for the project (yes, one of them is a Yamaha :o)

I plan on making a custom +2 bratstyle seat similar to these...

« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 09:24:46 PM by sirdaft1 »

Offline sirdaft1

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Re: SirDaft1's '76 CB750 Super Sport Bratstyle/Cafe Build
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2012, 02:33:13 PM »
Started the day by removing the plastic from the tail and off with the brake light and rear turn signals. A buddy had a spare Dennis Kirk sidemount brake light/license plate bracket that he let me have, so I decided to mount it on the lower left suspension bolt. I'm not sure I'll stick with it in the end, but it might work for now. The bolt that it mounts to was a bit too short, so I did a quick run to the store for an M10 1.25 bolt that was 1/4" longer.

Here's what it looked like afterwards...

I also removed the old baffle from the Kirker exhaust as I await a replacement.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 09:23:04 PM by sirdaft1 »

Offline sirdaft1

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Re: SirDaft1's '76 CB750 Super Sport Bratstyle/Cafe Build
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 03:25:07 PM »
Just cut the tail and welded on the new rear loop. Had Paul over at custom make one with a 17 degree kickup, which happened to match the lines of the shock gusset almost spot on.

Also pounded out the seat pan and cut it to fit the new frame. And tomorrow it's headed over to be padded and covered in fabric. I'm thinking repurposed brown leather from a bomber jacket might fair nicely...

Also gutted 70% of the wiring to keep the minimum and swapped on clip-ons. The jury is still out on the clip-ons, because I'm seeing there being issues with the bars hitting the tank. More to follow.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 09:22:30 PM by sirdaft1 »

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Re: SirDaft1's '76 CB750 Super Sport Bratstyle/Cafe Build
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2012, 07:08:11 AM »
You can stay with the clip ons but you may have to widen the stops at the base of the neck tube.
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Offline Vreihenmotor6

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Re: SirDaft1's '76 CB750 Super Sport Bratstyle/Cafe Build
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2012, 10:19:11 AM »
I had similar headlight issues on my 76F, I ended up using a relay switched by the tail light circuit for mine

Offline sirdaft1

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Re: SirDaft1's '76 CB750 Super Sport Bratstyle/Cafe Build
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2012, 03:02:49 PM »
I sorted out most of the electrical gremlins by also gutting 75% of the wiring from the bike. I'm planning on only keeping front and rear brake lights, charging system and speedo or tach.

As for the issue with it sounding a bit off, it was definitely an electrical issue, as she rode extremely well after sorting out the jenky wiring job done by one of the PO's.

Offline sirdaft1

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Been too busy lately to get a free moment to work on it. But I'm hoping that'll change a bit in the next 1-2 months. In the meantime, here are some recent photos (she's covered in dust)...

« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 09:24:15 PM by sirdaft1 »

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Well if you do go with that style...the Brown one would be the one to shoot for. Not color wise neccessarily...its just obviously the more refined and looks to be the one with the most work and thought put into it.

Offline Ndgrimm

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Very nice! I have the exact same bike that I'm doing something similar to. Got almost everything done except for the seat which brings me to my question:

How much clearance do you have between the tire and the hoop? I think the shop manual says that those stock springs have a maximum of 4 inches of travel and so I'm running into the issue of maybe not have enough clearance if I just got for a flat seat pan, especially if I have someone sitting two up.

I saw Finksies frame mod and am considering perhaps doing something similar:

Unfortunately I don't have access to a welder or a tube bender so I might have to get creative.

Anyway, nice work on the build so far. Good to see another F!

Offline sirdaft1

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Great question. The answer is, not much. I had a slight bend in the hoop added for aesthetics and function. We'll see how it turns out.

How much clearance do you have between the tire and the hoop?