I predict a sudden upswing in usage of your Group A oils, not unlike the current global shortage of #42 press in jets created by lucky in his one man crusade to re-jet the world's SOHC4's carbs!
That's part of the reason why I didn't list my "preferred" oils in prior messages, as there are many that can serve as well as my choices, provided you do the correct homework. My "A" list oils are easily found locally, and are pretty safe "bets".
As for #42 jets, I believe that is a bogus recommendation based on the inability to make the accelerator pump work as it should, and creates more carcinogenic hydrocarbons for all to breathe, that would otherwise not be a factor. Then again, the poisoning of mankind does seem to have been a popular pastime for a good long while. I guess that until one develops a lung problem, inhaling whatever isn't perceived as a concern.
(Me, survivor of pneumonia, twice, and 2 pulmonary embolisms. Makes you think twice about taking a breath when to do so produces stabbing severe chest pain. But still, you don't have an option.)
Happy thoughts!