Ultimately you are probably not going to be able to stop this-
(Fast forward to 3:00)
Honda CBR600RR 2007 STOLEN!... unless you anchor the bike to something substantial, with something substantial.
I use the fork lock as a time deterrent, it will take a little bit to unbolt the ignition and free the ignition switch, then a couple more minutes to figure out how to start it and get it moving. As you can see from that video, anything else that doesn't actually anchor the bike can be circumvented by just picking the bike up and throwing it in a van/truck.
Another case in point-
A summer or two ago my neighbor had his car stolen from his alley driveway. He had it armed with a 2-way alarm (starter kill and etc), had cctv cameras pointed at his garage, and was an ex-marine with a rifle next to his bed (sounds like a bit of a paranoid nutjob, but this was a rough neighborhood so it wasn't unreasonable given the context). Despite all of these precautions, someone backed up to his car with a tow truck and within ten seconds, before my neighbor awoke and realized what was happening, his car was gone (we know this because he showed me the video of it happening from his cctv).
I mention this story to demonstrate that onboard vehicle theft protection can only go so far. To prevent from this you can anchor the vehicle to the ground or a structure (although this may just increase the amount of time it takes to steal it), implant a gps tracking chip with isolated power supply (I've thought about this!), or just insure the thing and try not to get too emotional if it ever gets stolen.