Hi All,
I have a number of issues with my carbs. 1&4 are super rich at idle and foul the plugs within a minute of starting. 2&3 seem fine, if perhaps a tiny bit oily, but I'll get back to that. When I picked up the bike it used to die when on full throttle, showing signs of leaning right out and dying. That left me stranded by the road. I have since started getting it back on the road.
New plugs, coils seems fine, new electronic ignition.
I had stripped the carb, but it was really clean and I don't think it was too long since it was done before. When I looked to bench sync they had originally been set so 1&4 were 'open' more than 2&3, by almost double. Is that normal? At idle, does the fact they are open increase the richness?
Second issue is the adjustment. The adjusting screw is all the way in on number 4, but it is quite a bit open, but the adjuster on 1 has lots of adjustment left and is set at the same height as 4. Could the adjustment arms have been put back incorrectly when they last did it? there are a few springs in there that may have been mixed up.
I might end up taking them all apart and comparing spring lengths and component orientation.