ok, player... slow your roll.
Scottly gives good advice.. but if I were you, I would do this:
Take 30 minutes. An entire 30. And search this site on this problem. Use the google custom search bar on the main page.
If you run out of ideas.. search on "charging system" problems. This is just to familiarize yourself with things.
There are a number of tests, and a number of likely culprits that may be the thing here..... but that 30 minutes of reading will really elevate your overall satisfaction - and ours.. . so dont get excited and run off trying things.. just read.
Also- read this:
http://learn.adafruit.com/multimeters/continuityTHEN.. go look at your bike. Do whatever you want.
When all that is done.. come back.. and tell us what you know, and someone walk you through the next steps. You >SHOULD< be able to get pretty far on this problem without taking anything apart.