Hey y'all! Found this site a day or two ago and have enjoyed reading many of the threads, particularly those found in the Projects section.
A little about me...
I'm 42 and live in Houston (born and raised) and started riding at the age of four when my dad built me a little mini-bike. It had a Tecumseh 2.5hp engine and was a blast to ride. Ever since those early years, I've loved motorcycling and pretty much love anything with two wheels.
When I was about eight, my dad bought a 1978 CB750Four Super Sport. I remember sitting in the garage staring at it and drawing it; just wishing I could ride it! I eventually rode it for a couple years between the age of 15 - 17. Prior to that, I had a few dirtbikes ('69 & '78 CT70s, 1980 RM80, 1979 XR80) and have stayed primarily on the dirt until more recently.
Around the same time my dad had his CB, I saw an old photo from the winter of 1949 in Charlottesville, Virginia, where he was a student at UVA. His only mode of transportation was a 1934 74" Flathead Harley. I loved that bike, too, so I decided awhile back that I wanted a Harley and I wanted the same CB. As of last Sunday, I can say that the "dream" has finally come true.
Some time back, I bought a 1995 Heritage Softail (Evo) and have put a great deal of miles on it. I love the bike and have had a blast on it. I'm not a spead freak - I've done the sportbike deal and dirt-racing thing and I'm just past all that - so it's perfect for my style of riding.
So I've been looking here and there for that '78. Found a deal or two, but something's always precluded me from pulling the trigger - usually a title issue. Well, I found a few on eBay recently and one of the two I was watching didn't sell. I honestly couldn't believe it. Especially at the price it was listed. I emailed the guy, he made me a deal I couldn't refuse, and the rest is history. I should be getting the bike sometime next week, so I'm pretty psyched!
The following are some photos to help illustrate the aforementioned history. I look forward to being a contributing part of this forum and meeting some new folks.
This was the bike my dad had (although this is a swiped-from-the-net photo)

Here's the bike I just picked up...

Winter of '49

My '95 Heritage.