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Offline dangerdan408

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CB750K0 restoration project
« on: August 16, 2012, 11:02:55 PM »
Hello all,

I picked this bike up from the original owner for $400 about a month ago and have been lightly cleaning on it until now.  The bike has some neat features, recessed ignition switch, black kill switch, no number pipes just to name a few, but it was made 3/70, so it's a 70'. Today (it's after midnight), the bodywork is on it's way to Marbles Motors for a nice repaint in the factory candy ruby red with the correct gold stripe.  I'll post more pictures as I get more done obviously, but here's what I have for now.

The day it came dad on the pressure washer in the background.

And as of today

Going back COMPLETELY stock, down to the last detail, going to try to refinish as close to original as I am able to, ie. no polished engine cases, zinc plating where it's supposed to be, but with some concessions.  Might go with some BT45 Bridgestones and electronic ignition, not sure on the Battlax's, but the electronic ignition is pretty much going to happen.


Offline dangerdan408

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2012, 08:32:36 PM »

Shipped all the bodywork off to Marbles Motors today, explained to the lady working the post office depot that I'd have to pull out at least $2500 insurance on this package and she didn't even check up and got me what I needed.  I'm really going to try and
have this bike ready for Barbers, powdercoated frame, rezinc'd hardware, new tires and tubes, brakes working, and an engine spruce up with new tensioners, rings and a repaint.

While I was stripping and reprinting the heat shields tonight, I ran into a small problem tonight though, I CANNOT get one of the pan head screws that holds the left side heat shield off, it's stripped or something, and I really don't want to go drilling into no number pipes if I don't have to.  Any advice that is out there will be graciously accepted.

Another problem found is that the "Unicorn" triple clamp is broke, and I will have it welded and repaired before the powdercoaters get ahold of it.

And any suggestions where to send my zinc plating done?

Offline jerry h

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2012, 09:04:31 AM »
$400.00 ?  Wow now thats a good deal!  Nothing to add, but keep the pics coming, great looking bike to start a restoration on.
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Offline gonzobrian

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CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2012, 10:15:35 AM »
I had my zinc don at specialty plating .  I think there in Denver if I remember correctly.  You can have all the zinc done for about $75.

Offline dangerdan408

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2012, 01:48:57 PM »
-Jerry H, I'm grateful I was able to get It for such a great deal, I've really wanted one for a while. 

-gonzobrian I might have to bother you here soon about that place that does zinc, I'm going to just reuse all the old hardware in an attempt to stay closer to original.

Well, it was a great day at the boneyard, found the parts I needed.  I got an NOS Unicorn triple clamp, recessed ignition switch, rear turn signal stalks, two tool kits, one with a really nice bag, and goldwing latch assembly for $60.  Think I came out pretty good,might go buy a lotto ticket tonight  ;D


Offline Greggo

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2012, 02:06:33 PM »
Wow, what boneyard are you going to?  Did that switch have the matching key? 

Offline dangerdan408

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2012, 02:28:20 PM »
Can't give away all my secrets as to where I get stuff cheap.  I've known the owner for the last 15 years or so.  It didn't have the key, but seeing it only ran me $10, I just took it and ran lol.

Offline chewbacca5000

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2012, 04:16:51 PM »
Congratulations on the great find!  I think I saw one of those recessed keys go for 700 to 800 on Ebay.  You can sell that and buy one more!

Offline Tews19

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2012, 07:56:39 PM »
SUBSCRIBED!!!!! Holy crap, no way that was in a scrap yard the unicorn!!!!!! Man great find..... I have been getting my Honda keys for 5 bucks off a person from CL. there is a thread on here about it. Check it out.. May work for your ignition
1969 Honda CB750... Basket case
1970 Honda CB750 survivor.

Offline dangerdan408

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2012, 10:51:50 PM »
Believe it or not, I was walking through some stockroom, was bummed I couldn't find one on the yard, and looked in a little cubby box on the shelf and presto, an NOS unicorn hanging out for the taking.

I'm on a TIGHT schedule...have to restore this in less than 8 weeks to make it to Barbers.

It looks like...
August 16th-23rd - Send bodywork to Marbles Motors for respray in Candy Ruby Red. Strip bike to bare frame, gather all hardware and box for replating wherever that may be

August 23rd-30th - Drop frame, swingarm, and all small incidentals off for powdercoating after carefully removing VIN plate. Order tensioner, gasket set, etc.

August30th-September 6th - Replace head gasket, soda blast mostly assembled engine, respray in engine enamel #1615, Send parts out to be rezinc'd.

September 6th-13th - Go get NOS Honda spokes and yellow cad nipples, pull my wheels apart, replace, true.  Order Dunlop K70's for front and rear with new tubes.

September 13th-20th - Mount tires, await bodywork, place engine back in frame assuming hardware is back. Order tank emblems and lower trim, along with all caution decals. Maybe place order for battery and chain.

September 20th-27th, Install bodywork if haven't already,  Start reassembly process, Place battery and chain on order if not already here.

September 27th-Oct. 4th- Extra time, TBD

Oct 4th -12th - shakedown before Barbers, prep and check over

Offline dangerdan408

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2012, 08:46:32 PM »
The bike is being disassembled to the bare frame tomorrow, all hardware boxed up and ready for plating.  I bought some new carb to airbox boots as I don't want to risk breaking my airbox upon reassembly seeing how they're as flexible as rock.

Offline Stev-o

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2012, 08:59:38 PM »
Wow - you've come across ome great deals.  Thanks for taKing that fairing off, looks so much better. Will be watching...
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline Johnie

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2012, 05:14:29 AM »
Glad the fairing is off too. Next that luggage rack... ;) Do you plan to put some stock handlebars on there? You going to show it at Barber or sell it?
« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 05:21:28 AM by Johnie »
1970 CB750K0 - Candy Ruby Red
1973 CB750K3 - Candy Bacchus Olive or Sunflake Orange
1970 Chevy Chevelle SS396 - Cortez Silver
1976 GL1000 Sulphur Yellow

Oshkosh, WI  USA

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2012, 10:40:27 AM »
That's the deal of the year.  Fantastic find. 
Current Bikes

1969 CB750  Sandcast #256
1971 CB750K1
1972 CB750K1
1975 CB400F
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Offline markb

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2012, 11:29:26 AM »
Wow is right.  Looks like an early enough K0 to still have some sandy parts on it.  Nice.  Great find and great luck on finding parts.  Sometimes it is better to be lucky than smart.  ;)
1969 CB750 sandcast #97 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1969 CB750 sandcaxt #576 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1553 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #1990 - Sold
1969 CB750 sandcast #5383 restored - Sold Restoration thread link
1970 CB750 K0 restored - Sold
2010 H-D Tri Glide Ultra Classic (Huh?)

Offline dangerdan408

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2012, 04:23:21 PM »
Johnie- The luggage rack MIGHT make an appearance for Barber's with a milkcrate zip tied on for small parts in the swap meet, but will be retired for the other 99.9% of the year.  I'm doing it up to ride around there.  My dad is bringing his CB77 Superhawk to ride, figured I needed this done to sorta match.

Prospect- Thanks!

markb- I think it has quite a few 69' or sandcast parts, it has number 8 engine bolts and has a two bolt rear fender, for some reason that's making me think it's a factory "parts bin" special lol.

Well, I had another pretty successful day, got the bike completely torn down, and it's going to be back by friday from the powdercoaters, they hit me for $450 seeing how dirty everything was, and I got the main frame, swingarm, centerstand, side stand, ignition switch bracket, tool tray, battery tray and countless other small visible metal brackets that were supposed to be black done for that, so I'm just chalking it up to you get what you pay for. 

I was INCREDIBLY nervous about drilling the rivets out of the headstock to remove the VIN tag before powdercoating, but got everything out without alot of drama, drill bit broke in the hole, but i'll just drill the drill bit out with a new metal bit from home depot after it gets back.  I have no idea where or who to get the little "u-drive" rivets or whatever they're called, I call them brads, but someone might know what they're actually called.  If you know where some are or have some you are willing to sell, please by all means chime in!

I got all the hardware bagged up, but need to ship it off to have it rezinc'd, thinking of using a guy off ebay (sounds legit right?) and the places local don't take anything seriously.  If you have had good results with a shop, it looks like i'm going to have to outsource to get this done.

I need to give thanks to my dad for really getting in there with me and helping tons to get this done...he's a great guy.  And I had to get him to take a shot of me and the stripped frame.

Offline Johnie

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2012, 05:01:52 PM »
Dano...I wish I was retired. You made quick work of the stripe down. Nice job there. Hope you took some pics on where everything goes... :)
1970 CB750K0 - Candy Ruby Red
1973 CB750K3 - Candy Bacchus Olive or Sunflake Orange
1970 Chevy Chevelle SS396 - Cortez Silver
1976 GL1000 Sulphur Yellow

Oshkosh, WI  USA

Offline Tews19

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2012, 06:52:36 PM »
Looks like I will be glued to the computer waiting for daily updates. Great and very efficient work!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 07:37:22 AM by Tews19 »
1969 Honda CB750... Basket case
1970 Honda CB750 survivor.

Offline lucky

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2012, 07:45:52 PM »
Good work! I bet it will look great with a new paint job.

Offline dangerdan408

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2012, 02:37:31 AM »
Had some free time tonight and this morning technically, and went through and detailed the parts that are going back on the bike, put those that were borderline crummy/ need replacement in a box, and detailed and thouroughly cleaned all the parts that are going to be reused...even waxed the throttle cable and the weird steel with black sleeve things for the frame.  And finally put my gauges on my new unicorn triple clamp after I waxed it. 

Guess I need to call Marbles Motors today and see if my bodywork has arrived so I can keep tabs on the timeline of when the promised 5 week turn around begins.  Can't wait for the bodywork to get back to ooh and awe over.  Need some tank emblems from sudco...$30 a pair from them or $200+ from yamiya. 

And as soon as I can get a box big enough to house the brake rod and hardware to be zinc plated, it's on its way to California for some eBay rezinc-ing.

Oh, and my powdercoated frame, swingarm, tool tray, battery box, etc. should be back by Friday.

Offline dangerdan408

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2012, 08:11:15 PM »
Somewhat productive day today...

-Called Marbles Motors and confirmed my bodywork made it there in the correct number of pieces.  They seemed irked about the dent I had mentioned in original phone conversation.  Looking at a 5-6 week window until paintwork returns.

-Need to find a sudco retailer, need the 69-70 repro tank emblems.

-Boxed up hardware, paid the guy from eBay after a phone conversation and it was readily apparent that he knew what he was doing and a member here vouching for his work. 

-I WAS going to get it all shipped out today, but received an email from my college saying the course I took over the summer that the transcript had not yet made it, so I was being kicked out of a class.  So I was informed of this at 4:30pm...the day before class starts...nice.  I missed the 5 p.m. cut off, but I'll get it tomorrow.

-Called the powdercoaters and ran out there before they started on my stuff and dropped off some stuff I left behind (footpeg brackets, airbox brackets and turn signal brackets for the rear)...should be back in a few days, Friday maybe.

-Got the part numbers for the wheel spokes and nipples, going to my dude again to get some NOS Honda spokes and random parts on Saturday.

More updates soon!

Offline CycleRanger

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2012, 08:20:32 PM »
I call them brads, but someone might know what they're actually called.  If you know where some are or have some you are willing to sell, please by all means chime in!
I can send you some. PM me your address and I'll mail them to you. :)
Do you have a copy of the Honda Shop Manual or Parts List for your bike? Get one here:
CB750K5        '79 XL250s     CL350K3
CB750K3        '76 XS650      '76 CJ360T

Offline dangerdan408

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2012, 11:21:07 PM »
Thanks for the offer, I'll take you up on them...I have found a 1/70 K0 and might new those for it then...the bike is at a local yard...but it's like 19xxx frame and 19xxx engine...but it's been outside for years, might even need the backbone of the frame replaced...might sell my busa' pick it up and build it too!

Offline Garystratos201

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2012, 10:47:34 AM »
Great find and good job on the progress you`ve made. I was recently given 1970 KO date of 7/70 and in process of rebuilding the engine. The cooling fins on the head have considerable damage and I`m looking for one to replace it with. Any ideas ?..........Gary
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Current ride; Bass boat.... 2005 Ranger 521VX,250 hp Mercury Verado, super charged and direct fuel injected. Not a bass on the lake can out run me !!!

Offline dangerdan408

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Re: CB750K0 restoration project
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2012, 03:38:10 PM »
Great find and good job on the progress you`ve made. I was recently given 1970 KO date of 7/70 and in process of rebuilding the engine. The cooling fins on the head have considerable damage and I`m looking for one to replace it with. Any ideas ?..........Gary

I'd hit up eBay, but I'm going to look for a head this weekend, so you hit me up at a good time.  I'll look for two good clean heads if he has em' and I'll sell it to you at my cost plus shipping...he has a bajillion of these 750 SOHC engines...should be two good ones there right?