I was traveling from LA to San Diego the other night and the bike was running fine the entire trip. I was cruising at 70mph, around 6500rpms for 70+ miles. As I pulled off the highway to fill up again, I start to slow off the ramp and the bike just cuts out. Almost as if it was out of fuel. I fill up the bike and it cant kick over. I eventually barely get it to start, but now there is no idle and it will only rev to 4000rpm and get me about 40mph. I proceed to take surface streets home since it was late and it suddenly makes a loud 'pop' and the bike seems fine again. It's worked like a charm since.
Im getting ready for a trip to SF on this bike in less than a month and do not want the same thing happening, and my first thought was that the 40 year old fuel lines were clogged. I thought that I had better just install a simple fuel filter. And as always I tried to fix something that wasnt broken and got myself into trouble. The main fuel line going from the petcock to the carbs ripped when I tried to remove it (seems it needed to be replaced anyways), but now that I have removed that main line, how do I go about putting a new one on?
Do I need to take apart the entire carb assembly to get to the bottom nipple? Are there any tricks or tools to getting to that bottom nipple? Im hoping that I dont need to spend an entire weekend to take the assembly apart to simply replace one simple fuel line and install a filter. Lastly, does anyone have other thoughts on what might have been my problem earlier?
Thanks all.