To meausure the lift you need to subtract the OD of the cam's "base circle" from the total distance that you measured from the heel of the cam, to the toe.
Without me measuring one it looks to be stock mate, but as I said once before, the "torquer" cam is around the same lift as a stocker, so it could still be, but the trouble is, you need a known stock cam to compare it to to know for sure. The lobes on your cam appear to be more "rounded" that a stocker, and that's a good thing, as it leads me to believe that it could be a torquer.
Interstingly enough, I went thru my cam collection (God know's why, but I've got a dozen or so stock K and F2 cams in a crate out in the "Tardis", as Cliff refers to my garage) and I've got 2 or 3 "odd" ones with unusual castings on them
If you like, I'll measure a stocker tomorrow, and tell you what the lift is. Cheers, Terry.