So, since it's a million degrees here today, I figured I would start one of these threads.
This is my first motorcycle. There was really no decision to be made, the CB750 was the only bike for me. The search was long and exhausting...about two years to find a suitable runner that was mostly stock locally. Being my first m/c I wanted something running and in decent shape. I came across plenty of basket cases, junkers, cafes (nothing against cafes if that is your thing, but to me there is not a more beautiful m/c than a stock 750k) and plenty of people with much better cameras than bikes.
Finally found one about three months ago, a 1976 CB750K. I really wanted a '72 or earlier but could not pass on this one. She had 6983 miles and was all stock and original except for the rear tire, exhaust, and battery.
So, here is the project:
After cleaning off the 22 years of storage (in the excitement i didn't even think off snapping a before pic)
What I've done so far:
I have been slowly cleaning her up and replacing some of the bits that aren't supposed to last 36 years. I want to keep it all stock and as original as possible.
Did the 3000 mile maintenance and was running ok, but should be better.
Cleaned out the garage to have a suitable place to work.
New front tire to replace what looked to be a perfectly good F6 GoldSeal with a 1975 date stamp.
Replaced turn signal relay with electronic flasher(couldn't deal with it's erratic function based on battery charge.)
Thought my mirrors were rusted to hell
Turns out they just had the factory plastic from shipping baked on to them...peeled right off! OK some of it required some scraping.
Good as new!
Brake fluid was REALLY OLD and gunked up causing the front break to freeze up
All cleaned up and working perfectly.
To where I am now. Just pulled the carbs off for a thorough cleaning and hopefully a much better running bike when I'm finished.
Haven't checked the float height yet but could see that #2 was way off.
To do list:
Finish carbs
Replace chain
Get new Boots? and velocity stacks for carbs
Drop oil pan and search for treasures
Have swing arm powder coated
Replace original brake shoes (read the horror stories recently)
Replace Fork oil
New fuel lines
Replace trim bottom right of tank
This forum has been an incredible resource. Thank you to everyone.