4 years ago i sold an 85 XR250 to a guy here in indy. I had done many trades plus getting cash to eventually end up with the bike. A few weeks later I wished I hadnt sold it, it was the best woods bike I love that it was somewhat vintage at the same time, I even got a Bailey plastics kit for my 2006 CRF250r to give it the same orange with the blue seat look. So last month i started looking for an xr250 to buy again, same year 84 or 85. I almost drove 4 hours to ST Louis to get one and decided to wait. Sure enough one comes up for sale here in indy and as soon as i start talking to the guy i figured out very quickly it was the same one i sold him 4 years earlier. I got it for $50 less than i paid for it and it looks very good condition, even as good as it was when i sold it. Not some crazy 40 year old story but still was cool to get my old bike back. Im going to rebuild it over the winter and race it next year in the county fair vintage race.