Looks very nice Tristan!

Where did you source that tank and seat from, if you don't mind revealing?
BTW from your "before" picture, the bike didn't have the correct badge on the sidecover for a '74. Looks more like the '72 or '73 model year.
Both the seat and tank came from "Vintage Cosmo". He was located in Pennsylvania and specialized in benelli and old ducati parts, plus fiberglass cafe seats. He closed up a couple of years ago, too bad too, because I paid like 150 for that tank and now I see them going for around 300 on ebay. The seat was apparently an exact replica of some kind of official honda racing seat from the 70's, I havent seen another one for sale since Cosmo closed up.
Wrong badge...interesting. Well, the bike's vin comes up as a '74. Is it the badge that's wrong, or the color? I do remember the badges had some paint flaking off that looked like a cob job by the PO.
Looks great, well done. Did you have any issues with the clip-ons hitting the Mojave tank?
On the height thing, I'm 6'3"/80kgs and I feel my CB400F with rear sets is really comfortable. Yes, a bigger bike would probably 'fit' better, but I love my CB400F.
The clipons clear it! The throttle housing does hit the tank if I have it cranked all the way to the right, but when does that ever happen?
WOW, in the bathroom even... thats dedication! BOTM!
That's apartment living for you! It's the only place inside my girlfriend at the time would "allow" me to keep it.
And to everyone else, thank you so much for the positive words! It really means so much to get compliments on something that I poured so much time into.