As others mentioned, the controlling orifice is not at the tip - essentially a hour-glass like shape on the inside. Hole size isn't indicative of how the jet performs. The taper into and out of the controlling orifice is key to how the jet atomizes the fuel. A few years ago I struggled with the pilot circuit on my Z1 with aftermarket jets (17.5 pilot jets) - I invested in a set of pin gauges and found the hole size for the aftermarket jet was the same as the genuine Mikuni jet - but they didn't perform the same - the aftermarket pilot jet was a little leaner. Using a can of WD40 with the plastic spout, I squirted WD40 through the jet - and the cone of atomized fluid was different. The smaller the jet, the more impact the brand makes. The aftermarket pilot jets work fine, but they may not map perfectly with the OEM sizes - the key isn't to just install them and assume they are the same - but assess the plug color and how the bike is running on the pilot circuit - often a small adjustment to the idle screw will be all that's needed.
With main jets, I've not experienced any appreciable difference in larger main jets between genuine and aftermarket.
I appreciate your comments, Jeff.
The un-scientific comparisons I tried were caused by the obvious differences between the Keihin and after-market push in jets I got to tune my 750 for mods. Not only are the outer holes different sizes, but the bores leading up to the internal orifices different.
The results do appear to verify your conclusions and I agree that the size of the hole is not the only factor that determines the flow rate at any given pressure.
It does make me wonder, though, if the Keihin #42 is truly "a step" larger than the SCI #40 when the SCI flows so much more.
I have an onboard A/F meter to actually verify changes since I don't trust my eyes to do plug chops any more. I think all the fuel additives may be polluting the plug readings anyway.
I would much rather have OEM jets, but SCI appears to be the only vendor with the push-ins for PD carb slow jets.
I couldn't find any on your you know if any OEM's are available?
Thanks again