Author Topic: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?  (Read 4030 times)

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Offline scottly

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #25 on: September 04, 2012, 07:30:00 PM »
Don't fix it if it ain't broke!
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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2012, 07:37:27 PM »
Tin foil.

"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

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Offline Stev-o

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #27 on: September 04, 2012, 09:18:17 PM »
Fox has the hottest news girls!   
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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2012, 10:24:28 PM »
Fox has the hottest news girls!   

Not by a long shot. ;D
Check out the really gets rolling about halfway through. :D
Would this qualify for "beyond the MSM"?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 10:39:34 PM by srust58 »

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2012, 03:38:04 PM »
oh oh, the dreaded THEY again.

Nice to hear from one of the "happy" ones.
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Offline lostmykeys

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2012, 11:54:20 PM »
Fuzzie, you have a point....What brand of tampon do you like best?
 I know this this may seem strange to you but I dont see tampon adds....Why do you?

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #31 on: September 06, 2012, 04:08:31 PM »
lostmytampon brand  ::)

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #32 on: September 06, 2012, 04:40:30 PM »
One advantage to not working(very short list) is that you can watch something as it's happening.  Three channels of C-Span let you see most anything going on in our government, not someone's interpretation of the events of the day.  And get this-  Not only whole sentences, but entire speeches and press conferences.  You'd have to be a complete idiot to take something out of context.
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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #33 on: September 06, 2012, 09:48:04 PM »
One advantage to not working(very short list) is that you can watch something as it's happening.  Three channels of C-Span let you see most anything going on in our government, not someone's interpretation of the events of the day.  And get this-  Not only whole sentences, but entire speeches and press conferences.  You'd have to be a complete idiot to take something out of context.

The problems is too many Americans have the attention span of the bumper sticker slogan they hear on Wing Nut Radio.

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How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #34 on: September 07, 2012, 09:56:32 AM »
+1 Srust!

Unfortunately, campaigns have learned this. The last President that talked to us like we were intelligent beings was Carter, and we all know how much he has been flamed for it.  He was an engineer, not a politician.

Where would we be, energy wise, had we not followed Carter by electing an actor, an oilman, a lawyer, another oilman and another lawyer!?!?
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Offline lostmykeys

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #35 on: September 08, 2012, 08:30:58 PM »
 Oldscool,that sounds great,But what do you do when you live in a failing world economy and the shtf.
 I wish  I could show you the things I have seen but I cant talk about them here.
 In short there are millions of good people in this world that have to put up with things beyond their limits of good.
 While at the same time these good people are forced to accept the people who have no concept of good.

Offline FuZZie

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2012, 02:36:24 PM »
Sounds like we're heading down the rabbit hole Alice.... get to the point of your tread please. ;)

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #37 on: September 09, 2012, 03:19:50 PM »
No #$%* troll, get to the goddamn point.
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

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Offline lostmykeys

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #38 on: September 09, 2012, 05:58:39 PM »
 Dukie, I would love to get to the point...however, getting to the point might get me banned from this site. 
I want to sincerely apologize to all of the people who may have been offended by my last post that was banned.  I also want to apologize for my spelling but most of the time when I am on this site I am three sheets to the wind and because of the form of the media that the internet is,  I lose all inhibitions.  Dukie, seriously, if you take the time and do your own research, use Google and You Tube, you will see things that are going on in this country that will blow your mind that will lead you to wander why can they get away with and saying the things that they do while I can't.   Think about it.  All I am saying is I am going to mind my p's and q's on this site and I'm fine with that.  So if you do your own research and you have found what I have found, take my advice and don't bring it here.   

Offline Don R

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #39 on: September 09, 2012, 06:03:00 PM »
Don't forget there are 1%ers at both ends of the spectrum. Some of them wear in on the back of their jacket. At least they identify themselves.
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Offline FuZZie

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #40 on: September 09, 2012, 06:18:56 PM »
Dukie, I would love to get to the point...however, getting to the point might get me banned from this site. 
I want to sincerely apologize to all of the people who may have been offended by my last post that was banned.  I also want to apologize for my spelling but most of the time when I am on this site I am three sheets to the wind and because of the form of the media that the internet is,  I lose all inhibitions.  Dukie, seriously, if you take the time and do your own research, use Google and You Tube, you will see things that are going on in this country that will blow your mind that will lead you to wander why can they get away with and saying the things that they do while I can't.   Think about it.  All I am saying is I am going to mind my p's and q's on this site and I'm fine with that.  So if you do your own research and you have found what I have found, take my advice and don't bring it here.

You can find internet channels that steam exactly what your on about hence my post (try google)... and your right this isn't the place for it.  :-X

Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #41 on: September 09, 2012, 06:22:52 PM »
Oldscool,that sounds great,But what do you do when you live in a failing world economy and the shtf.
 I wish  I could show you the things I have seen but I cant talk about them here.
 In short there are millions of good people in this world that have to put up with things beyond their limits of good.
 While at the same time these good people are forced to accept the people who have no concept of good.

You remind me of someone.  Spouting off about how millions of "others" are holding folks like you back, need to be eliminated, etc.  Ya know it might be alright to do it tongue in cheek like some do(me included) but you seem to be a bit more serious.  Didn't work out all that well for the other guy. ;D
« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 06:31:51 PM by srust58 »

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #42 on: September 09, 2012, 06:45:20 PM »

Offline lostmykeys

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #43 on: September 09, 2012, 07:03:37 PM »
 Srust58, That was a different time and a horrible part of human history that I never want to see.
 But what are we accepting and putting up with?
 All I can say is try to stay aware of current events and the biased main street media is steering you in a certain direction for their benefit.  Fortunately in this day and age we have other forms of media such as Google, Yahoo, blogs, You Tube, etc.  Again I can't divulge into my point on this thread but let me give you an example:  because of today's internet media you realize that in order to fix your motorcycle you have to look at tons of information on the internet to finally draw a conclusion in your own mind to fix your own bike.  That's what great about "us" we can see bulls*t and see the truth. 

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #44 on: September 09, 2012, 07:34:00 PM »
But the problem with getting your "news" from the internet is that a vast majority of it is 10 times more biased that you claim the MSM is.  Yes, American MSM does cover things a bit differently than others.  For an example, you'll get a much more "blunt" coverage of Afghanistan on BBC.  Having watched the main 3 24hr ones, I can tell you that Fox is just a bit past crazy on the right, MSNBC goes left more than Nascar, but CNN does a decent job of stating both sides, but in the end, a very slight tilt to the right shows.  But they truly are fair about it.  Just about anyone who knows how to blog can call it news, without any fact checking at all.
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Offline lostmykeys

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #45 on: September 09, 2012, 07:55:47 PM »
 333, All I'm saying is that there has never been a time that so much information is at your fingertips and sometimes it's ok to think outside the box.  You can find joy or you can find true horror, it's up to what you want and how far you will allow yourself to go before you pee your pants. If you have the time and are intelligent and feerless you may find the truth. 

In short, all I'm saying is through the dawn of time, certain phrases still hold up and they will still hold up even through the insanity we are going through right now.  IE:  "Keep it simple stupid"  "you're only as smart as the people you surround yourself with"  etc....

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #46 on: September 10, 2012, 06:32:36 AM »
I'm only guessing, but I believe your hesitation is because your commentary is political in nature, and we do have rules against that.  I don't know if you were around here last election, but we were allowed an area just for politics.  Maybe we should lobby the mods for that again.
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #47 on: September 10, 2012, 06:47:46 AM »
. Maybe we should lobby the mods for that again.

That was a failed experiment not to be repeated.
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Re: How many of you keep up with current events beyond the MSM?
« Reply #48 on: September 10, 2012, 01:44:07 PM »
Actually, I think it went somewhat well, Bob.  My frame of reference is another forum(Wooden Boat) which has no rules against politics, and it doesn't work that well.  They allow it in their open forum area, appropriately called "The Bilge", and the problem is that on any given subject, political ranting can be interjected.  Example; "Hey, lousy weather out here on the East Coast, yesterday.  Couldn't get out on the boat". "Well it would've been better if it weren't for(insert political foe here), it would've been bright and sunny".  As opposed to here, where we had a specific place for political talk, and while it got heated sometimes, it never got loose in the rest of the forum.

As always, it's up to you and the other mods. But I didn't think it was so bad.
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