Yeah, Lucky, you were helping me out with it before... I checked my private messages after posting this and saw you there. Unfortunately I can't search and find my old thread where I gave you all that info, but (I think) you and I pretty much concluded that going from 35s to 40s or 42s was the way to go. I also upped the needles by placing washers under their C-clips but that didn't help much to improve the low speed throttle-on or off-idle throttle response. Then I couldn't locate the pilot jets before I had to leave so here I am now that I'm back. In the pm you sent me you were focussing on the accelerator pump restrictors which I'll take a look at next if changing the pilot jets don't help.
And thanks, Jiminy Indy, I'll check out that link right now. I'll let you guys know if I find what I'm looking for.
Thanks to all