Hey Mick, Bill and the Roach, been doing a lot of riding ourselves. My wife decided she get back on the
back and she's having a blast. I think the ride with Uncle Ernie in the side car convinced her it couldn't
be any worse on the back of my bike.
Hope you all are riding as much as you want. Hey Mick, we had some English ducati frens come over the
first of the summer and they are now thinking of retiring nearby! Something to do with those English
rainy spells and lack of general sunlight.
Bill, I suspect your heading into winter soon.
Hey Roach, we met a couple at a Ducati rally and I mentioned I was considering a new multistrada.
THey had one and called us up that week and insisted we take it for a month. After much arm twisting,
I did. Great bike and one may be the next I get. I test rode one earlier in the spring and same day tested
a BMW GS. The GS was a great piece of machinery, the Ducati has soul. We put 1700 miles on the loaner in
4 weekends basically. It was black, if I get one it will have to be Red.