With his permission, I am reposting this from an Inmate over at ADVRider. "Dogjaw" has become a friend to and advocate for Trevor and his mom Pam.
These few paragraphs show just how important letters and support are. (In case you didn't know, Trevor's father died at an early age in an accident. Trevor's brother is autistic and Trevor had planned to take over care of him. Trevor's mom Pam is now tasked with caring for two grown men that require her full time care. That's what is being referenced in the second quote)
"I write this as I know Trevor will never read it, but it belies the importance of keeping those letters coming in. I spoke with Pam yesterday concerning our approach to the hearing on 4/3; Trevor is allowed ten supporters into the courtroom, and gets ten minutes to have his say. Pam and I will probably do the majority of the presentation, with everyone in the group holding a picture of what he was before and after the accident. We have arranged for a CBS affiliate to be in the group as well; after a short time, the plan is to take Trevor out of the courtroom so that Pam can recount some of the more difficult recent episodes without embarrassing Trev and demonstrate that this is a daily, ongoing battle, with no end in sight.
Crapping himself in public, huge outbursts of profanity, violence, all results of the Traumatic Brain Injury of which he is abjectly apologetic the instant the episode is over, to the point the apologies are more embarrassing than the outbursts. It's a vicious cycle that repeats itself daily; there are some very good days, but you never know when the hammer is going to fall.
After this whole hearing thing is finished, I would beg you not to forget; that's Trevor's biggest fear, of being irrelevant. The only group to remain constant after these six years is the ADV inmates. Two things light Trevor up like a Christmas tree; stickers and postcards from national parks. When you head out on your trips this season, drop him some post cards on your stops, takes only a second, but trust me, I've seen the difference it makes.
We be of one blood, ye and I."
"Trevor Ware
603 N. Forest Ct.
Lynden WA 98264
Before the flaming begins, I talked to Pam about putting the address here in the Basement; she didn't have a problem with it, as it is already out there in many other places, and at least down here, it is at least somewhat protected.
Now, the things that Trevor digs:
Mail of any sort, but especially postcards from funky and far off places; he has a particular affinity for National Parks. Pam has video on her FB page of Trev rolling his wheelchair out to the mailbox in the rain just to check; that'll grab ya by the balls...
Old Hondas, especially the SOHC variety, but anything retro
Tales of motorcycle travel, videos, pictures, etc.
Stickers, anything really, that lets him know he's not forgotten.
Another thought is for Pam; the amount of crap that she deals with daily is incalculable... in her mid fifties, she's caring for two full grown men with the mental capacity of toddlers; absolutely no disrespect intended, I just have no other way to get the point across. She is an absolute saint in my book.
I have no suggestions here, as I've always tread very carefully in this area to maintain no question of impropriety as far as my own wife is concerned, just in case I received "that" call in the middle of the night that Trevor had fallen, etc. Never happened, so that's great, but if you feel led to do something for her, that would be fantastic as well.