Where all could aluminum bits in the oil come from?
-Camshaft journals
-Cam chain rubbing against tunnel
-anything else in top end?
-anything in bottom end?
I posted a thread earlier about ferrous metal in my oil filter here:
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=111682.0I did as several members suggested: drop sump, change oil and filter, adjust cam-chain tension, ride and re-check. I rode for 10 miles and took off the filter. It had metal sparkles and filings in it again, but this time almost all of it did NOT stick to a magnet (i suspect the earlier slurry was both). There were also bits of black stuff.
Here's some that I wiped out:
I pulled engine. My aluminum cam-tower-bearing journals are fine.
The tunnel shows signs of chain rubbing on both sides:
The tensioner rollers are pretty hard, with bits broken off (the black stuff?):
But I adjusted the tensioner long before the problems, so I'm worried there may be another source of aluminum.
Where else might it be coming from? I'd rather not split the cases if there's nothing down there that could spew aluminum.