hello, new 1978 750K owner, I'm new to these old sohc bikes and I have some basic carb questions.
My other bikes are a 1977 GL1000, a 1966 CT90, and a 2001 FZ1.
The 78 CB750 looks real nice for a bike that old, the chrome wheels and original four exhaust pipes sparkle.
The original airbox has been removed and pods fitted.
The bike runs when hot with occaisional popping. When its cold it runs like crap, it backfires and pops and stalls when the throttle is cracked. The idle speed has to be turned way up. Choke helps the popping.
The hotter the engine gets, the better the bike runs, after 20 minutes its rideable with occaisional burble.
Reading this site I suspect the slow jet may have to go to a #42. I took the carbs off and pulled a float bowl. I suspect the slow jet is the one that I can't get out. How do you remove it?
When I took the carb rack off (whew!, pried it off without breaking any cooling fins) I found the idle mixure screws. Right on the bottom must make them a booger to adjust. I found that the p.o. had them set at 3 to 4 turns out instead of one and a half. Would this account for the above problems? Should I set the screws and put the rack back on?
The whole bike looks clean, the insides of the carbs are spotless, the plugs, points and condensors are new, the whole bike looks great to me except for this problem. Should I try to get a original airbox or try to get the pods right?
A 78K airbox is rarer than hens teeth on ebay, will any other years fit?