I tried to ride around turns with one hand yesterday. You have to admire this guy. He has my respect.
I've got a Kiwi (New Zealander) mate who was a cop in NZ, but got pensioned off and moved to Oz when he lost his right arm in a car crash. His arm was amputated at the shoulder joint, so he doesn't even have a stump to fit a prosthetic limb to, but that doesn't seem to bother him, he built his own house, and he rides a Moto Guzzi 1100cc sports bike. (sorry, I can't remember which model)
He chose Moto Guzzi's (he's had a few since I've known him) because of their linked brakes, basically the foot pedal operates the rear caliper and one front caliper, so he doesn't have to worry about having both levers on the left bar. The throttle is weird, because he's just taken it from the right bar, he has to push it forward to accellerate. I tried to ride it once, and I gave up after a few hundred yards, but Kiwi rides his bike more than he drives his car, and he's a better rider than I am.
He takes all the "He's (h)armless" jokes in his stride, and is a great guy to hang out with. The one thing that pisses him off is people who treat him like an invalid, he believes that he's just as "able" as anyone else, and I reckon he's proved it. Cheers, Terry.