Well, he's been doing pretty good, for a bit. But just a few nights ago, he was taken to the ER, with chest pains. Now, just a couple of days before that, he had gotten up to go to the bathroom and "He says" he got dizzy and fell. Only thing is, when I got there (after being called by my Daughter, Karla), he had apparently thrown up (being mostly fluid) and seemed to have slipped down, from standing in that (no real way to tell, as there were no bruises or such). So, he went through some testing, including 3hrs of stress testing and the only thing that was found was that his thyroid medicine was needing to be cut back some. While he was being monitoring (blood pressure, oxy level and such, I noticed that his oxy level fluctuated somewhat, over a few minutes. But, he was seemed to be okay (for an 87 yr old man) Now yesterday, the Home Health Therapist let me know that, (with oxygen) when he stood up, his oxy level dropped to around 70%. So, the Doctor was sent a fax and we will be following up on that. But, that's about it, for now. We are presently trying to get our things moved to Hartwell, GA. Gordon (Ilbikes) has just let me know, yesterday, that I am not that far from Him and That's cool! John (jtb) is a little bit farther away than that (5 or 6 hrs, I think). Not sure who else. I Do Hope That This Finds You All Doing Well. Bill