Bike: CB750K2
Task: Replace cam chain without splitting cases;
Parts: Tsubaki BF05M 94-link cam chain; Tsubaki BF05M master link;
Problem: Master link is hard-nosed; how to stake/rivet/peen it?
As many here have suggested, I plan to cut my cam chain, split the new Tsubaki, thread it in and re-link it with the Tsubaki link. I ordered several links from Z1:
The Z1 site shows a master link with soft/hollow link-pin tips. So I also ordered a Motion Pro chain tool built for hollow-tip pins.
What arrived in mail has hard-nosed links, not what the Z1 site shows. The Motion Pro tool won't work with these.
I called Z1 tech support; the tech guy said these masters are all hard-nosed, and that the pic on Z1 site is wrong. I asked how to stake these solid-nosed pins; he recommended I split the cases to attach the continuous chain instead of using a master.
I know some of you have put in these chains without splitting the cases and have had good results. Do you have advice and pics of how you staked these hard-nosed master links?