Very pretty, I like it and the seat is very nice as well. I hope it is comfortable. It is thicker than some guys make them, which I like, and it has the potential to be comfortable for more than 20 minutes...
Is she ready for BOTM nomination?
Have you rejetted/tuned the carbs for the pods and exhaust? Tweakin and a few others (Tighe, forget his UID) have similar setup but on 750s. Can't recall someone with a 550 and the Yoshi pipe and pods with std PD carbs. Greggo maybe?
That paint scheme would look good in silver and blue. Paulage has a red and white scheme that is killer but, he has a Ducati vintage repro fairing on his bike.
Great work! You will have long stops for gas because everyone will be asking questions about your bike.
I hope the pipes stay looking that way and not dull, really adds to the look. Does bwaller, Brent, run those pipes on his race bike? Motogp made those, right?