I had a hard time starting my CB after work. It's cold blooded. Well I tried the elec. And it would barley idle,so I messed around with the idle screw,not a good idea. I then tried kicking it and it wouldn't fire. Then I went back to the electric starter and got it going, as it was backfiring the tail light and the tach and speedo lights stopped working. Not good,especially that I live in the country,dark country. The only bonus is no traffic. I got it home, tore apart the taillight and the bulb looks good, and it works as a brakelight and emergency light if the ignition key is turned all the way around. I checked the fuses and they are all good. Also I was checking the head light and horn and all is good,I did notice when I was up there that one of my headers was not hot at all as the other were hot. Not real sure about this one.
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