I'm almost back to finally having this sucker back out on the road, so I can at least enjoy the last couple weeks of summer, but I've run into a bit of a mind boggler on these two things.
1) The righ-hand switch control (starter button). I've got this almost back together, there's a lot of good info on here, but none of the pics I can find seem to quite match up with the parts I have. Here is the switch, the top back together (I think?):
Now it's obvious where the starter button goes, spring behind it, and then the contact point (Y/R wire) slides into the slot behind it. In every other pic I find, there is a bracket to hold this down, however this is the only bracket I have left, and I can't quite figure out how the heck it should slide in there:
(Ya I lost the spring, so I'm using a pen to replace it)
This look familiar to anyone?
2) I thought for sure this was how I was supposed to run the clutch cable, but it seems to be a little short, and when I turn the handlebars fully, it pops out of its hole in the clutch cover. Is this the right route:
Through the top triple:
Then head down the right tube of the frame:
And then finally into the clutch cover. Did I get this mixed up?
Thanks in advance for any help, really appreciate it!