I understand not everyone listed will be able to participate but here is a list of those who have intrest. I can edit and update as needed.
rider number name area
105 eydugster KC/ Topeka handoff
39 Don R KC/ Topeka to Chicago
Bud R my brother, lurks here.
141 DH Part of Missouri
142 kck3 Mo
118 Drummer Eastern Mo
187 Rippinsvt St Louis area eastern Mo.
113 SOHC4digger Il.
5 Gammaflat NW Indiana long ride
74 Schmthaus Il &In
127 Spikeybike Il
194 Skonnieboy 50 mi- chicago
226 PG13 either way from Chicago
Banker Danny Chicago- east maybe OH.
30 indyfour IL to Oh
60 DavePhipps In
73 joerizzo0 In
20 McRider Il to Oh
111 Tango911 Indy area
176 cbjoe Indy
114 Raef possibly Chicago- Dayton
Blue72Beetle Indiana
213 Masterchief1112 Columbus-Cleveland
268 spades Ohio
192 FP750ER Ohio
134 Baldguy Dayton area
123 MyHondas Ohio- Beyond
35 BrownBomber Indy-Columbus possibly
147 Trprbill Oh.
10 KSmith0034 Columbus 100 mi either way
3 05c50 E. Ohio to Pa
103 BGfootball67 Oh.
90 Popwood Ohio and Ky
22 Tripps Columbus- Oh
207 dna_level_c7 Ohio area
John D Ohio
214 Modsquad Cincy to Pa.