At the moment the charging system on my 550 is stock and the other day I decided to take the regulator apart simply for preventive maintenance reasons. The point was pitted just a bit so fine emery cloth took care of that plus I reset the gap to .008 per my manual, hooked it back up, fired the bike up with a volt meter on the battery and everything was working just fine. Up to this point I had been pondering the idea of going with an electronic rectifier/reg setup but seeing how well my charging system is working it made me wonder should I just leave it alone?
The reason I ask is because I'm used to have a '70 Pontiac GP that had points ign and external firewall mounted mechanical v-reg. I had converted the ignition to an HEI and had read that it was advisable to swap the external reg alternator for a later internal reg alt because I guess the later internal reg alt regulated the voltage much smoother than the older external reg alt which supposedly made the HEI module in the ign happier thus prolonging the life of the module.
My question is would this hold true with my 550 which currently has a dyna-s ign or does the dyna ign really care if the charging system rect/reg is original or a combined electronic unit? I read so many posts about people having issues with their bikes charging system yet mine so far hasn't failed me nor has the dyna ign which makes me wonder why bother messing with it if a more modern electronic rectifier/reg unit wont have any affect on the longevity of the dyna ign?