Ok your application will be a little different, because the m/c to caliper distance will be different with respect to your bars and my clip ons. Also, I did away with Honda's hard line that dances around the fork leg....just another connection with fittings that are not neccessary. As mentioned, I got my m/c from ebay, (the one you referenced in your previous post), and the rest of the parts were Dennis Kirk. Their web site is not as friendly as the catalog, so my references are from that, Dennis Kirk 2006 Metric Bike catalog. We will start from the m/c: First is the banjo bolt that gets the line attached to the m/c. You need two 1 inch long 10mm X 1.25mm pitch banjo bolts, page 643 pn# 19-4424...one gets the brake line to the m/c the other gets it to the caliper. Both will be too long as they will bottom in there respective homes as you tighten them....they need cut to fit. The banjo ties the m/c to the brake line via a I used two of these fittings, one at the m/c and one at the caliper....pg 643, pn# 19-1338 10mm # 3 male 35 degrees. My line was pg 645 ,pn# 19-8384..a Goodridge 21 inch line...yours will be different length with the stock bars. I also got a box of aluminum crush washers for all my new joints my records don't show a pg # but I referenced a pn# of 27-487 with the Dennis Kirk catalog. ike....I have done a lot to this bike...if you need more info please yell, I will have picks of mine soon!