Author Topic: '73 CB350F master brake cylinder  (Read 1729 times)

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'73 CB350F master brake cylinder
« on: July 03, 2006, 02:35:53 PM »
I am looking for a Front Master Cylinder rebuild kit for my '73 CB350 four.  The only place I have found it is at David Silver.  Does anyone have a US source?  I have called a couple Honda dealers and it's almost $80 for all the parts, no kit.

Your help is appreciated.

Craig II

Offline wardmoto

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Re: '73 CB350F master brake cylinder
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2006, 09:27:28 AM »
I contemplated that as well and found some things on ebay.  You will need a crazy pair of snap ring pliers and even then, chances are good that the M/C bore will need some work (pitting).  I put a late 90's CBR 600 M/C on that I ebayed for 45$.  Also did stainless lines and ditched the pressure switch.  This is a Cafe project so I was not concerned with originality...if you are, buy some patience while you are searching for those snap ring pliers!
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Re: '73 CB350F master brake cylinder
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2006, 08:59:39 PM »
Thank you for your imput.  I am really looking for the least expensive way and not necessarily the authentic way.   I did a quick search on ebay and I did find this:

Would this work?  I have never messed with a M/C. 

And about the stainless lines, where would I get these? And what exactly is the pressure switch?

Sorry if these are fundament questions.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Craig II

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Re: '73 CB350F master brake cylinder
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2006, 09:06:38 PM »

its the same as a 750.

they are everywhere
Stranger in a strange land

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Re: '73 CB350F master brake cylinder
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2006, 10:00:19 AM »
I put that exact m/c on, but I am using 7/8th inch clip ons, I don't know off hand what the stock bar diameter is but I am almost positive it would fit.  The may the m/c clamps on, it can accomidate slightly different diameter bars.  I kept a complete diary of all my work and purchases and part numbers but it is at home and I am at work.  I got all the fittings, lines and washers for about 50 $.  It requires some mild modifications to the banjo bolts (the bolts that attach the line to the m/c and the caliper) to get the appropriate was no big deal.  The pressure switch activates your brake light for you...hydraulic pressure (squeezing the brake lever) makes this happen.  The m/c you posted (and mine) have a small micro switch activated by the lever, this functions the brake light.  There will be wiring issues but it is a simple circuit with two wires, you cant screw it up!  If interested, I will get you the p/n#'s for the brake lines and fittings tonite.
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Re: '73 CB350F master brake cylinder
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2006, 08:18:02 PM »

Just measured my bar and it's 7/8th.  If you could get me the p/n#'s for the brake lines and fittings that would be great.

Thank you

Craig II

Offline wardmoto

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Re: '73 CB350F master brake cylinder
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2006, 08:58:57 AM »
Dug it out last night...I will get them to you this evening!
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Re: '73 CB350F master brake cylinder
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2006, 10:21:51 AM »
Sounds good to me.

Thank you

Offline wardmoto

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Re: '73 CB350F master brake cylinder
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2006, 07:56:29 PM »
Ok your application will be a little different, because the m/c to caliper distance will be different with respect to your bars and my clip ons.  Also, I did away with Honda's hard line that dances around the fork leg....just another connection with fittings that are not neccessary.  As mentioned, I got my m/c from ebay, (the one you referenced in your previous post), and the rest of the parts were Dennis Kirk.  Their web site is not as friendly as the catalog, so my references are from that, Dennis Kirk 2006 Metric Bike catalog.  We will start from the m/c: First is the banjo bolt that gets the line attached to the m/c.  You need two 1 inch long 10mm X 1.25mm pitch banjo bolts, page 643 pn# gets the brake line to the m/c the other gets it to the caliper.   Both will be too long as they will bottom in there respective homes as you tighten them....they need cut to fit.  The banjo ties the m/c to the brake line via a   I used two of these fittings, one at the m/c and one at the 643, pn# 19-1338 10mm # 3 male 35 degrees.  My line was pg 645 ,pn# 19-8384..a Goodridge 21 inch line...yours will be different length with the stock bars.  I also got a box of aluminum crush washers for all my new joints my records don't show a pg # but I referenced a pn# of 27-487 with the Dennis Kirk catalog. ike....I have done a lot to this bike...if you need more info please yell, I will have picks of mine soon!
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Re: '73 CB350F master brake cylinder
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2006, 06:17:41 PM »
Thank you very much.  I just got my Dennis Kirk Metric Bike catalog last week. 
I'll be sure to post any and all questions.

Again, thank you for your help.

Craig II