So... its been awhile since I posted. My internship ate most of my summer and sadly posting and riding were mostly put on the back burner. Now that the cold is swooping in I am aching to get back on a bike and tinker in general.... figure I would post some pictures of the summer with this thing.
Got some Hagons installed and had a great 160mile ride July 4th by myself. Having some life troubles and needed to just blow off. Was a great ride. My sister sending me off.
Took a road less traveled (dirt road) and bumped into a empty R/C Airfield. Took a few great shots and sat and had lunch on the grass and admired nature for a bit.
Bumped into some cool busted down barn. Took a shot.
Then the bad times... In late aug/early sep my tail light took a #$%* at night coming back from bike night. Some lady in a van let me know I was riding lightless I was riding down the road and was hand signaling brake for a red light. Light changed green and I was looking behind me to see if the light really was out. I was twisted, looking behind me while I hit a ripple/hump in the #$%*ty Michigan roads. Sent my bars slapping left... and my fat ass rolling on the ground on the right. Concrete hurts at 35-40mph. I was "Fine", just a swollen knee the next day and the feeling like someone beat the ever loving #$%* out of me. Pushed the bike to the side of the road and got a friend to pick me up. Went back home and got the trailer. It was a sad night. Tank dented, brake lines chewed, side cover exploded, bar bent, rearset bent (not broken!), and some scuffs on headlight ring and throttle cables. Yeah, that is my blood on the tank! Slammed my nose into my face guard in the helmet and had a bloody nose when I got up.
Really not looking forward to pulling all the dents and redoing the tank all pretty, so I am playing with the idea of using the leather from the jacket that saved my skin and wrapping the tank and tail in the extra leather. Not sure how it will be done, but I have a few idea. Kind of excited with the idea of the ratty custom look of the leather wrap.
More stuff will eventually happen with the bike, and Ill be sure to post that progress when it comes around.