When I was younger, I wasn't worried about going to jail. What scared me the most and kept me on the straight and narrow was worrying if my old man would find out. Anything the coppers could dish out was nothing compared to what the old man would if he found out.
And that's what's wrong with modern society mate, there are not enough fathers like yours out there, and "parents" (I use the term loosely, because people who are capable of producing children aren't necessarily parents any more) think that it's the school teachers responsibility to discipline their children, which of course, is crap.
I've got two sons in their mid-twenties who don't smoke, don't drink, have jobs, and have never been in trouble with the police. Like you, they were way more worried about how I'd take it if they got themselves in the schidt. I listen to "Talk Back" radio because I don't like modern music, and I feel sick when I hear bad parents trying to make excuses for why their kids are scumbags. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.