Bill, you should know this by now; "suicide shift" is occasionally substuted for "jockey" shift. Usually by folks who have only looked at pictures. A jockey shift goes straight to the tranny. A hand shift has linkage in order to more conveniently locate the shifter (usually the side of the tank). Indian is usually referred to as a handshift, while HD is referred to as a gateshift because it has indents in a chrome bar looking thing (a gate) on the side of the tank. Indian uses DEtents in the engine and is somewhat less precise, but quicker to shift once you get the hang of it. Both stock bikes employ a foot clutch that stays where you put it by the use of a friction plate.
A "suicide clutch" is so named because it is spring-loaded, sort of like a car. They are usually used in an after-market situation in conjuction with what is often called a mouse trap- linkage set-up to convert a normal bike to suicide clutch and hand shift. (HDs and Indian 45s use a suicide clutch for racing applications, however, becaue it's a faster shift). Anyhoo- the suicide clutch is so named because with one foot on the spring loaded clutch, you only have one foot to put on the ground at stops. It can be very uncomfortable, inconvenient, or even dangerous if your passenger moves, and making a left turn from a stop can be difficult.