tossed the old gasket away and stuck it back together with hi-temp silicone.
Be very careful Ron, the #1 killer of CB750 engine's is silicone sealants, I wouldn't recommend using them anywhere! A Triumph mechanic killed my K1 25 years ago doing exactly that, I had a charging issue so he cracked the alternator cover gasket, couldn't be bothered replacing the gasket as the lazy #$%*er should have done, beads of silicone were then pumped around my engine with the oil, and blocked the oilways into the head. The result was that I needed to replace the following:
Pistons/rings/rebore to 3rd oversize
Top end gasket set
Back then I had no tools or workshop facilities, so it cost me $1500.00 to repair! (and that was 25 years ago)Of course, he wouldn't admit that it was his fault, so I had to take out a loan to pay for it, all for the sake of that #$%* not replacing a 5 dollar gasket. Now I always have a gasket set in my garage just in case, and to keep costs down, I trace all the gaskets (except the head gasket) onto gasket paper so I can just make my own. The only sealant that I'll use with confidance is Threebond 1144 or Hondabond,Yamabond etc. Cheers, Terry.