Hey Billy, it's good to hear that your dad can still make you laugh when one considers what he has been through over the last few years. Give him my best wishes for a full recovery.
Now that you are settled in Georgia, you've no excuse for not getting to meet up at Valdosta mate. 
There will be quite a few members there 9th 11th November. hope you can make it. 
Hey Sam, good of you to drop by on this thread. Sorry, but I just now noticed. Yeah, my Dad can STILL crack some pretty funny ones alright. I forgot to put this in the beginning of this thread, but Here's what happened at the beginning of the visit to the doctor:
Doctor came in, greeted my Dad with "How Are You Feeling Mr. Van Pelt"? My Dad just looked at him, smiled and said, dryly "With My Hands." Caught Me offguard, but you should have seen how he threw the Doctor! LOL!! He had to think a minute and it hit him, that my Dad REALLY has quite a sense of humor, when he is feeling pretty good.

Doc really got a kick out of how my Dad, being 87yrs old, not in the best of health, but could STILL throw out a pretty good one liner.

Now, on the other hand, just a few days ago, he told my Daughter Karla, that he felt sure that he only had about 2 more weeks to live. Said it was just a feeling he had. Of course, it kinda threw my Daughter and she called me, to tell me about it. He seems to be doing alright, considering his age and all. So, I still have no clue why he would say that. He's Never commented like that before. Guess we do the best we can and just try to handle what comes up, when it does.
Sam, I will sure do my best to be there, buddy. Sure ought to have a lot better chance at getting er done this time, eh?

Have a good one Sam.