Author Topic: 76' 550k & 550f questions  (Read 905 times)

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Offline Opposedsix

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76' 550k & 550f questions
« on: October 13, 2012, 05:08:56 PM »
Pics plus where you sourced your clubmans and clip ons?  Need to decide on lean feel & look...

Quick questions for those in the know on my now down to the frame 76' cb550k project:

1. After searching I can't find a supplier name for the small swingarm shock bushing?

2. Neck tube has rust down the entire tube, I cleaned the top & bottom where the new All Balls tapered bearings will rest, but is it required to clean the entire internal neck wall between the bearings?

3. Any problems forseen plugging a 76' cb550f engine into a nearly complete (torn down now) 76' cb550k?

Huge thanks!

« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 07:59:51 PM by Opposedsix »
Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.

- Hunter S. Thompson

1976 CB550 Project

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Offline singedebile

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1. Skip swingarm bearings, and get HondaMan (one of the members on the forum) to custom make a set of high quality bushings.
3. Dont thing there will be an issue, the kickstarter is in a different shape but thats all I can think of maybe someone else knows?
1975 cb550f super sport, 1976 Yamaha IT400, 1974 Suzuki T500

Offline boogiedude

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the 'f' and 'k' engine's are identical, so unless you're swapping over because the k engine is toast, there's no reason to do it. The kick start is different, as well as the right side foot peg, but those are swappable between the two bikes without a problem

Offline dave500

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the lower shock mount bush is available from here.