Howdy to you all! I'm thoroughly enjoying soaking up all the knowledge provided by this community. I owned my first bike, a 96 katana 600, about 5 years ago. I ended up selling it a few months later after a buddy wrecked pretty bad while I was with him. Kind of shook me up I guess. A few years later another buddy bought a gsxr and had a 94 cbr600 sitting in his shed that didn't run. I had always wanted to work on a bike and figure out a thing or two about them so I bought the cbr off him for a few hundred bucks. A couple weeks later I was up and running. Not too long after that I was selling again as I didn't have much time to ride and when I did ride I was a complete maniac and, well, at that point I was too young to die! I don't remember where I saw the picture, but I saw a cb550 and had to have one and a couple weeks ago I finally found one I could afford and was already running. I'm a pretty stoic person but I was like a kid on christmas morning once I had that baby in my garage. It's a 1976... has some electrical silliness going on and a little cosmetic issues but I have a vision for it and look forward to sharing the progress, gleaning your guys and gals knowledge, and being a part of this great community.