Cool, thanks guys, that's about in line with what I thought- good to know I was about right. I was seriously frustrated this afternoon, what with the rough idle and another problem. I'll pick up the caps and get everything dialed in again.
Warwick- phone's sorted (I hope... I thought that several times already), so expect pics at some point. It's nothing fancy- 1/4 inch vinyl tubing (about 6 feet long each) connected with 2 tees (sort of like this: TT) with each of the four ends plugged into a tub. The end is laid to the base of a board, and the tubes laid up along it, with holes drilled and wire snugging the tubes to the board every 6 inches. I attached three of the four tubes, disconnected the fourth, dangled one end into a bottle of oil, sucked the other end like a porn star, then slipped it on and wired it down. Let the whole thing settle out about 24 hours, and plugged it into some brass carb sync adapters I picked up off Amazon, and away it went!
I need to check my primary chain next time, for sure- I poked at it a bit, but didn't seem to be causing any slap earlier, but I was too terrified to really get into it on the top end rebuild. I'll check it out next oil change. Can that be replaced without doing a yank and crack on the engine?
Sean- It did seem very sensitive indeed- just snugging down the lock nuts changed things, even if the orientation of the screw didn't change. Eventually I got all the nuts partly snugged down to the point where they were pulling the screws against the top thread (rather than letting it sit on the bottom one), adjusted it, and then snugged them all down to an even tension, and that gave me an accurate reading. It was pretty close to begin with, so I think the bench sync the PO did held up pretty well through the rebuild.
Thanks for the info!