Can anyone recommend a Good Chain Lube for my 1977 Honda 750 Supersport. Would WD40 be OK?
PJ1 makes a good product.
Your bike originally came with a 630 Oring chain. I don't think I'd want to use WD40 (mostly solvent) on the orings. But, WD40 is pretty thin as applied, to prevent lots of fly off, you apply it to a hot chain and let sit overnight, allowing the solvent to evaporate, and leave a thin oil film behind.
PJ1 Blue chain wax works well for oring chains. Again, applied to a hot chain and allowed to dry overnight, it virtually eliminates fly off and needed wheel cleaning later. If your present chain is dirty, Blue label won't clean it for you, that will be a separate operation. But, blue label will help keep the chain clean on new or cleaned chains.
Here's their rather infantile web site, for a pretty decent product. If you like video action games, you'll probably like the distraction effects. your bike has had a chain conversion to standard, then PJ1 black label is what I have been using for many years.