Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes

Kuryakin battery gauge review, and why I'm glad I got it!

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Thanks, guys

I'll look into the connections, but let me clarify where I connected the battery gauge:

The positive end was connected to the same positive feed as the speedometer and tachometer positives (for their light).
The negative end was connected to a unused ground connector inside the headlight bucket (where a lot of connections for my wiring harness are tucked away).
To the best of my knowledge, the wires I linked the gauge to have no direct relationship with the headlight.
The voltage read by the gauge is the same read by a multimeter in every positive connection inside the headlight bucket (that I measured, anyway).

If the problem comes back, I'll clean more connections and apply dilectric grease to them (this was already done with all the connections I "short-proofed" last night).

My problem now is figuring out if I have gasoline in my oil.  I left my petcock open last night, and a few minutes ago my bike stank of gasoline.  I took one of my pods out of the carb and some gasoline drained out.  My tank is very low, too...  yeah, I think I'll have to change my oil again (last oil change was last weekend, not even 7 days ago).



Just a follow up:

I checked the oil and saw/smelled no gas in it (after running the engine for a few seconds), so I rode the bike to college and back. 

The battery gauge worked flawlessly, and the voltage was perfect at all times (bordering low on idle, but that's normal).  It was extremely windy today (riding tilted to go straight, etc), and the gauge kept very still on my handlebars, so that looks good.

I filled my gas tank on the way to school, and got 2 gallons for 65 miles.  A bit low, but not bad, so not that much gas drained down the carbs.  Upon returning home I checked the oil, and the tank was FULL of oi & gas, and the oil acted a bit watery (it's 20w50 Royal Purple) and was colored a bit light (the oil actually is dark purple when new).  So I did have some gas in the oil, but as it was a little overfilled with oil, at 1 gallon exact, not that much gas must have gotten in...  No biggie, tomorrow I'll change it and the filter, and the 15-20 miles I rode today probably didn't do too much damage (rpms were kept low, oil was brand spanking new, the engine god grows increasingly fond of me, etc).  Hopefully everything is fine, anyway.

Hope someone else benefited from all this, and thanks to all who helped out.


Another follow up on the battery gauge:

I just glued the gauge to my hande bars with JB weld.  The double sided tape was good and sticky, but I wanted to have a pretty steep angle on my gauge, since I have clubman type bars...

Otherwise, the gauge works perfectly.  Gets very bright during the day time, and dims down at night.  Never hard to see, never too bright.

Cool  8)



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